March 3, 2011 – is the 12th ‘National Care Deaf Day’, Provincial Disabled Persons’ Federation and Health Department of Guangdong Province has joined together for an educational event at Guangzhou Heroes’ Square, at the same time, announced the launch of the long-awaited ‘Guangdong Province Pre-school children with disabilities registration for free rehabilitation services program’.
Guangzhou Epro Information Technology Co. Ltd (hereby named as ‘Epro Info’), a subsidiary of EPRO Group, is appointed by the Guangdong Disabled Persons’ Federation (GDDPF) and its subsidiary branch – Disabled Persons’ Rehabilitation Department for operating this registration program, to provide professional reliable and quality contact centre services on their behalf.
Epro Info is adopting three direct and effective channels, to comprehensively collect the rehabilitation services demand of pre-school children with disabilities, which includes:
1. Online registration at
2. Free Guangdong Disabled Persons’ Service Registration Hotline 400-830-0580
3. Call centre agents proactively contact the needy families by phone
Guardians with disabled children aged 0 to 6 in Guangdong Province having rehabilitation needs, can take the initiative to call the customer service hotline :400-830-0580, or visit Epro Info website for rehabilitation surgery registration. The information of the registered parties will then be transferred by the Contact centre to the provincial federation and appropriate rehabilitation services are to be provided by respective local federations later on.
Epro Info provides professional one-stop solution for all these three channels, including the development of online registration system, contact centre services workflow and management system design, contact centre services implementation, data collection and reporting, as well as publicity of the program etc.
This program is estimated to solve the information imbalance situation among rehabilitation service providers and service seekers of around 170,000 pre-school children with disabilities in Guangdong province; besides, data collected will also aids a better planning and more effective allocation of free rehabilitation surgery service resources in the upcoming future.