Hosted by Guangdong Disabled Persons’ Federation, co-organized by Epro Information Technology Company Limited – a Joint Venture Company owned by EPRO Group, “The Grand Opening Ceremony of Guangdong Disabled Persons Information Industrial Park and Guangdong Disabled Persons Contact Services centre” was successfully held at Guangdong Disabled Persons Information Industrial Park at Nan Sha, Guangzhou on 25 November 2010. Over three hundred guests gathered around to celebrate this event, including key officials from Guangdong Province, Disabled Persons’ Federation, Hong Kong Call Centre Association, and prestigious guests of Epro Group. As currently the first base of large scale employment for the disabled, the launch of the Park and its services has attracted the attention from Guangzhou media as well.
The ribbon cutting ceremony started after guests including Guangdong Provincial Committee Member, Secretary-General Mr. Xu Shaohua delivered opening speeches, a round of applause from the audiences marked the official launch of Guangdong Disabled Persons Information Industrial Park and its call centre. After photo taking session, guests went for tour visit to take a look at the services and dormitory in the park. Last but not least, every visitors enjoyed standard staff meal in the Park Canteen, during which they exchanged ideas on how to offer more job opportunities for disabled persons in this digital era, immediately responded to the speech of Mr. Xu Shaohua made earlier in the morning, ‘the Park will serve as the cradle to nurture disabled persons’ careers; proven track records in foreign countries has shown that merging business strategies and social responsibility is one of the best solutions in solving socio-economical problems.’
Guangzhou Epro Information Technology Company Limited (, hereby named as ‘Epro Info’),a joint venture formed in early 2010 by EPRO Group and Runsoft Group (, operates the first Province Level “Disabled Persons Contact Services centre” in “Guangdong Disabled Persons Information Industrial Park”. It undertakes the Guangdong Disabled Persons Services Hotline (400-8300-580) to provide integrated professional telephone hotline services for all disabled persons and enterprise in Guangdong.
EPRO Group is responsible for the management and capital investment of the Disabled Persons Contact Services centre in the park, estimated investment will reach thirty million dollars, to build a scale of 1000 seats providing 600 job opportunities for disabled persons. Director of EPRO Group and Epro Info, Mr. Telly Wong expressed, ‘By introducing Epro’s professionalism in outsourcing services and training experiences to Nansha centre, we targeted to develop an employment base for the disabled person agents and a contact centre that provides our business clients the professional outsourcing contact centre services they needed. We believe the centre here at Nansha is just a start. We wish EPRO Info can gain more support from enterprises and the Government, and hence more disabled persons employment oriented professional contact centres can be built in the future. At then, not only will create a better future for our clients and staff, but also through practicing social responsibility to offer more chances for disabled persons to reveal their abilities!’